Includes: pepper spray, key knife, & alarm
~ Alarm w/ flashlight
Loud enough to catch attention of people nearby when in need!
*TO USE* Pull out the black cord to set off, push back in to deactivate. Push button on top for flashlight.
- Weight: 0.2kg
- Volume: 130 dB (Extremely Loud!)
- LED light
~ Pepper Spray
Causes long lasting side effects & gives you time to get away from potential attacker.
*TO USE* Push clip off lock position and press down to spray.
- Size: 10mL
- Shoots: 10-12 ft
*Causes immediate burning sensation in the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat; possible temporary blindness and difficulty breathing*
- If you come into contact with pepper spray, immediately rinse out eyes with water.
- Wash hands thoroughly after handling.
~ Key Knife
Get your stylish key knife that can be used for simple tasks such as opening a package or an envelope.
*TO USE* Pull blade out from the side until fully extended.
- Weight: 21g
- Total Length: 4.92”
- Folded Length: 2.75”
- Blade Length: 1.96”
- Blade Thickness: 0.057”
- Blade Material: Stainless Steal
*NOTE: new blades are typically stiff to pull out. Practice pulling out the blade when you first get it in order to be prepared for use.
~Hand Sanitizer
- 70% Alcohol
~ Puff Ball
- Faux fur
~ Lanyard & Bottle holder
- Material: Neoprone